Exposing a REST API for your Service

While ZDL Models the inside of your application, OpenAPI (whether generated, or manually written) will be the source of truth for your REST API.

You can still document your ZDL Models for:

  • Annotate each service command documenting how it is connected to the REST API.
  • Generate a quite complete draft versions of OpenAPI from these ZDL models annotations.

Using ZenWave ZDL as Definition Language for OpenAPI

Annotating each service command to document how is connected to the REST API.

ZenWave SDK will use the service command name for matching with OpenAPI operationId, but you can always set it explicitly like this: @get({path: "/somepath", operationId: "someOperationId"})

Supported annotations are:

  • @rest("/customers") marks this service as exposed via REST API and defines the base path for all operations in this service.
  • @get, @post, @put, @delete, @patch defines the HTTP method for the operation.
  • @paginated defines that the operation will return a paginated response.

So the following definition:

* Customer Service annotated for REST and AsyncAPI serves two purposes:
* 1. Document how each service command will be exposed to the outside world.
* 2. Generate draft versions of AsyncAPI and OpenAPI from your ZDL models.
service CustomerService for (Customer) {
createCustomer(Customer) Customer
updateCustomer(id, Customer) Customer?
@put({ path: "/{customerId}/address/{identifier}", params: {identifier: Long} }) // specify param types
updateCustomerAddress(id, AddressInput) Customer?
getCustomer(id) Customer?
@get({path: "/search", params: {search: String}}) // this creates a query param in the OpenAPI
listCustomers() Customer[]
input AddressInput {
identifier String
address Address

Will produce the following OpenAPI definition:

OpenAPI Customer Service Outline

⚠️ REMEMBER: Once generated, OpenAPI definition becomes the source of truth for your REST API.

Pagination Flavor(s)

ZDLToOpenAPI supports the following pagination style out of the box:

service CustomerService for (Customer) {
listCustomers() Customer[]

becomes ...

operationId: listCustomers
description: "listCustomers"
tags: [Customer]
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/page"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/limit"
- $ref: "#/components/parameters/sort"
description: "OK"
$ref: "#/components/schemas/CustomerPaginated"
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Page"
- x-business-entity-paginated: "Customer"
- properties:
type: "array"
$ref: "#/components/schemas/Customer"
type: object
- "content"
- "totalElements"
- "totalPages"
- "size"
- "number"
type: integer
minimum: 0
type: integer
minimum: 0
type: integer
minimum: 0
maximum: 200
multipleOf: 25
type: integer
type: integer
name: page
in: query
description: The number of results page
type: integer
format: int32
default: 0
name: limit
in: query
description: The number of results in a single page
type: integer
format: int32
default: 20
name: sort
in: query
description: The number of results page
type: array
type: string

Currently, you will need to create a custom implementation of ZDLToOpenAPI to support your own pagination style.

We are working on providing different pagination flavors out of the box and providing a way to customize the pagination style without the need to create your own plugin.

Generating SpringMVC Controller Interfaces with official OpenAPI Generator

Use the following configuration to generate SpringMVC Controller Interfaces from OpenAPI with the official OpenAPI Generator - Spring:


These settings are compatible with OpenAPI: REST Controllers Generator:

  • <typeMapping>Double=java.math.BigDecimal</typeMapping>
  • <useSpringBoot3>true</useSpringBoot3> (use SpringBoot 3 and jakarta annotations)
  • <openApiNullable>false</openApiNullable> (we use java.util.Optional instead)
  • <useOptional>true</useOptional> (we use java.util.Optional)
  • <useTags>true</useTags> (required for grouping the operations in services by tag)
  • <interfaceOnly>true</interfaceOnly>
  • <delegatePattern>false</delegatePattern>

Generating SpringMVC Controller from OpenAPI (skeletons)

You can use ZenWave SDK OpenAPI: REST Controllers Generator to generate SpringMVC Controllers (skeletons) from OpenAPI.

You can both use IntelliJ Plugin:

* ZenWave Online Food Delivery - Customers Module.
config {
title "ZenWave Online Food Delivery - Customers Module"
basePackage "io.zenwave360.example.customers"
targetFolder "modules/customers"
persistence mongodb
// these can be executed directly from ZenWave IntelliJ Plugin
plugins {
ZDLToOpenAPIPlugin {
idType string
targetFile "{{targetFolder}}/src/main/resources/apis/openapi.yml"
OpenAPIControllersPlugin {
apiFile "modules/customers/src/main/resources/apis/openapi.yml" // relative to project root
zdlFile "models/customers.zdl" // this file: relative project root
// these should match the values of openapi-generator-maven-plugin
openApiApiPackage "{{basePackage}}.adapters.web"
openApiModelPackage "{{basePackage}}.adapters.web.model"
openApiModelNameSuffix DTO

Or JBang CLI:

jbang zw -p io.zenwave360.sdk.plugins.OpenAPIControllersPlugin
apiFile=src/main/resources/model/openapi.yml \
zdlFile=src/main/resources/model/orders-model.jdl \
basePackage=io.zenwave360.example \
controllersPackage={{basePackage}}.adapters.web \
openApiApiPackage=io.zenwave360.example.adapters.web \
openApiModelPackage=io.zenwave360.example.adapters.web.model \
openApiModelNameSuffix=DTO \

Generated Code:

📦 <basePackage>
📦 adapters
└─ web (controllersPackage)
├─ 📦 mappers
| └─ CustomerDTOsMapper.java (MapStruct mapper)
└─ CustomerApiController (SpringMVC: implements CustomerApi)
📦 <basePackage>
📦 adapters
└─ web (controllersPackage)
└─ CustomerApiControllerTest (UnitTest using ServicesInMemoryConfig)

Given you configured rest annotations in your ZDL model, or customize it like @get({path: "/somepath", operationId: "someOperationId"}), this is the implementation you will get out of the box:

public class CustomerApiController implements CustomerApi {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
private NativeWebRequest request;
private CustomerService customerService;
public CustomerApiController setCustomerService(CustomerService customerService) {
this.customerService = customerService;
return this;
private CustomerDTOsMapper mapper = CustomerDTOsMapper.INSTANCE;
public Optional<NativeWebRequest> getRequest() {
return Optional.ofNullable(request);
public ResponseEntity<CustomerDTO> createCustomer(CustomerDTO reqBody) {
var input = mapper.asCustomer(reqBody);
var customer = customerService.createCustomer(input);
CustomerDTO responseDTO = mapper.asCustomerDTO(customer);
return ResponseEntity.status(201).body(responseDTO);
public ResponseEntity<CustomerPaginatedDTO> listCustomers(Optional<Integer> page, Optional<Integer> limit,
Optional<List<String>> sort) {
var customerPage = customerService.listCustomers(pageOf(page, limit, sort));
var responseDTO = mapper.asCustomerPaginatedDTO(customerPage);
return ResponseEntity.status(200).body(responseDTO);
public ResponseEntity<CustomerDTO> updateCustomer(String customerId, CustomerDTO reqBody) {
var input = mapper.asCustomer(reqBody);
var customer = customerService.updateCustomer(customerId, input);
if (customer.isPresent()) {
CustomerDTO responseDTO = mapper.asCustomerDTO(customer.get());
return ResponseEntity.status(200).body(responseDTO);
else {
return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
public ResponseEntity<Void> deleteCustomer(String customerId) {
// TODO: customerService.deleteCustomer(customerId);
return ResponseEntity.status(204).build();
public ResponseEntity<CustomerDTO> getCustomer(String customerId) {
var customer = customerService.getCustomer(customerId);
if (customer.isPresent()) {
CustomerDTO responseDTO = mapper.asCustomerDTO(customer.get());
return ResponseEntity.status(200).body(responseDTO);
else {
return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
public ResponseEntity<CustomerDTO> updateCustomerAddress(String customerId, String identifier, AddressDTO reqBody) {
var input = mapper.asAddress(reqBody);
var customer = customerService.updateCustomerAddress(customerId, identifier, input);
if (customer.isPresent()) {
CustomerDTO responseDTO = mapper.asCustomerDTO(customer.get());
return ResponseEntity.status(200).body(responseDTO);
else {
return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
protected Pageable pageOf(Optional<Integer> page, Optional<Integer> limit, Optional<List<String>> sort) {
return PageRequest.of(page.orElse(0), limit.orElse(10));

And this for the Unit Test:

public class CustomerApiControllerTest {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
ServicesInMemoryConfig context = new ServicesInMemoryConfig();
CustomerApiController controller = new CustomerApiController().setCustomerService(context.customerService());
public void createCustomerTest() {
CustomerDTO reqBody = null;
var response = controller.createCustomer(reqBody);
Assertions.assertEquals(201, response.getStatusCode().value());
public void listCustomersTest() {
Optional<Integer> page = null;
Optional<Integer> limit = null;
Optional<List<String>> sort = null;
var response = controller.listCustomers(page, limit, sort);
Assertions.assertEquals(200, response.getStatusCode().value());
public void updateCustomerTest() {
String customerId = null;
CustomerDTO reqBody = null;
var response = controller.updateCustomer(customerId, reqBody);
Assertions.assertEquals(200, response.getStatusCode().value());
public void deleteCustomerTest() {
String customerId = null;
var response = controller.deleteCustomer(customerId);
Assertions.assertEquals(204, response.getStatusCode().value());
public void getCustomerTest() {
String customerId = null;
var response = controller.getCustomer(customerId);
Assertions.assertEquals(200, response.getStatusCode().value());
public void updateCustomerAddressTest() {
String customerId = null;
String identifier = null;
AddressDTO reqBody = null;
var response = controller.updateCustomerAddress(customerId, identifier, reqBody);
Assertions.assertEquals(200, response.getStatusCode().value());